Food | Serbia
We are putting cameras on tractors and agricultural sprayers in order to precisely spray weeds and cut in half the use of herbicides.
If you need machinery based RGB images or maps of weeds and crops, contact us!

Food | Turkey

AHA Factory GmbH
Environment | Germany
Alka Ocean Products
Food | Malta
Founded recently in Malta, Alka Ocean Products is in the process of producing high-value organic chemicals for use in high-end skincare products.
The team won a Maritime Seed Funding Award in December 2019 and is excited to be joining PARSEC in the hope of expanding our services and products.

Amigo srl
Environment | Italy
Amigo is the first Italian company providing climate services.
Here we want to combine EO data with our experience in climate scenarios and seasonal forecast in different fields such as:
- energy management
- water management
- traffic management
- infrastructure design
Seasonal forecasts are used to establish the risk of specific meteo/climatic conditions for the next 3/6 months. Our services can provide relevant insights for companies involved in energy, agriculture, water, traffic and food management. Moreover, we can help them in properly designing their business.
Amigo is a leader in providing tailored seasonal forecast to different users.

Environment | Norway
Apis Protect
Food | Ireland

AquaBioTech Group
Environment | Malta

Environment | Spain
We are a Spanish Deep Tech startup (technology risky plus aiming the intersection of three disciplines: software combined with hardware and biology), developing a Water-quality Early Alert System (WEAS) based on water pictures analysis to remotely and real time evaluate water pollution levels.

Earth Observation | Lithuania

Atfield Technologies d.o.o.
Food | Serbia
Atfield Technologies provides mobile tools and sensors for vineyard managers. Our solution Winessense is tuned for locality and variety, supplies an analytics layer and facilitates efficient decision making. In the same time it enables remote observation of the status of vineyards and is specifically aimed at those who produce high quality grapes.

Audili OG
Earth Observation | Austria
Our remote sensing approach allows for instantaneous and spatially exhaustive soil parameter insights that are significantly more time- and cost-saving than conventional analytical methods.

Environment | Tunisia
Worldwide established light aircraft manufacturer, ranging from 2 to 4 seats. Working on turnkey aerial solutions. 150 Kg payload thanks to new European law. Lowest operational cost. High precision 3D mapping solution for large areas: Electricity network, Railways, Urban areas, forests, agriculture areas, coastlines…

Baltic Freya
Food | Lithuania

Food | Greece
Beenotes Plus has been created in 2019. Beenotes is a platform for beekeepers which allows them to automatically record beehive inspection and production data through voice recognition technology. Collected data are transferred to our web platform, where we transform them to useful information, enabling the users to improve bee health and to become more productive and competitive.

Berring Data Collective
Earth Observation | Denmark
Ocean data from fishing gear: Connecting and benefiting fishermen, science and maritime industries.

Breeze Technologies
Environment | Germany
A technology leader for air quality sensors, data and analytics.

Earth Observation | Spain
Beenotes Plus has been created in 2019. Beenotes is a platform for beekeepers which allows them to automatically record beehive inspection and production data through voice recognition technology. Collected data are transferred to our web platform, where we transform them to useful information, enabling the users to improve bee health and to become more productive and competitive.

Ciclogreen Move and Win S.L.
Food | Germany
Ciclogreen is an online platform (web+ app) that allows companies and city councils to reward their employees and citizens with incentives for using sustainable means of transport to go to work (sharing a car, cycling, walking, using public transport or even an electric scooter). Users register their urban trips using our tracking app and are motivated thanks to gamification elements (ranking, points, Mobility Challenges). Ciclogreen analyses accumulated mobility data to provide accurate calculations of C02 emissions to companies and mobility patterns insights to city councils, helping them to design better infrastructures and services.
We are happy to explore different ideas for collaborations. One idea could be: We would love to work with a partner to use Earth Observation Data to provide more information to city planners and/or users (e.g. monitoring traffic and parking, changes in infrastructures, air pollution, green areas, etc).

Environment | Germany
Computomics has developed an AI-guided technology that incorporates soil data, plant genotypes and phenotypes of thousands of individual plants grown across different environments and can predict the best possible plant genotype for any location with e.g. a specific yield goal. Our predictions are 70-90% accurate, more than twice as accurate as state-of-the-art statistical methods.
Selection of the best plants to grow optimizes land use by growing more food or for farmers to plant crops which are more suitable to their land. It gives power to growers to select the right crops for their environment of choice with the phenotypes their clients desire. We want to make these tools available for use in any breeding effort, independent of location, as long as there are quantifiable traits. As the use of earth observation data is already expanding in many agriculture applications, this is the tool to take our data integration efforts to the next level.

Earth Observation | Germany
With ConstellR we are addressing two major issues in the Earth observation industry.
- We are closing the data gap in high resolution and continuous Land Surface Temperature (LST) data by implementing a CubeSat constellation. The LST data is highly needed in the agriculture sector for e.g. water- and fertilizer monitoring, crop yield prediction and many more. Also, the data can be used across industries for infrastructure monitoring, emergency response applications or disease monitoring. We are going to demonstrate our technology in space by the end of 2021.
- We are facilitating the access to Satellite Data by providing a Platform agnostic satellite data search engine called EO-FindR.

CORAmaps GmbH
Earth Observation | Germany
CORAmaps GmbH is a start-up company from the Technische Universität Darmstadt founded in December 2019. We are a team of four co-founders with comprehensive expertise in the fields of remote sensing, machine learning, imaging radar, geodesy, environmental sciences and business administration. We believe AI-based interpretation of satellite based radar data to be the key technology for instant information on the status of land anywhere in the world. In this context, we laid a special focus on detailed and rapid information about agricultural areas with regard to the questions what grows where, how much of it and in what quality.
With our crop maps we deliver a basic information for many services in agriculture. Let’s develop new products based on these maps! (e.g. market letters for commodity traders by a global yield estimation for crops)
Deep Learning
Environment | Serbia

Detektia Earth Surface Monitoring
Earth Observation | Spain
Detektia has developed the web platform EyeRADAR to improve the monitoring and management of infrastructures and Smart Cities through the integration of DInSAR technology, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, web analysis tools and interactive data visualisation. EyeRADAR includes an automatic early warning system and personalised indexes that facilitate the objective interpretation of the results and the decision-making.

Environment | Germany

Earthlab AI Systems
Earth Observation | Spain
Earthlab AI systems focuses on fusing earth observation data with ground data around infrastructure to increase the predictability of critical infrastructure related to food and energy production. Our mission is to make EO data analysis-ready as fast as possible and deploying it in ML pipeline using open source technology.

Environment | Ukraine
EcoTyre is a manufacturer of modular tire upcycling equipment in 20’-40’ containers that enable the production of valuable raw materials crumb rubber, steel wire, textiles, gas from end-of-life tires for production of new tires, road surfacing, technical rubber products, plastics, covers, various building construction applications, etc. We offer novel patented technology of upcycling of tyres in the electromagnetic field with the inhouse solutions.

ELMIBIT d.o.o.
Food | Slovenia
Provider of Software and Integrated solutions for Permanent Crop producers, namely eVineyard and eOrchard. We deliver Digital Agriculture solutions to hundreds of clients on multiple continents.

Emerald EO
Environment | Ireland
It takes up to 400 years to make 1 cm of new healthy soil. Let’s not waste what we already have. Emerald EO uses satellite data to provide AI- and hard-science-based solutions for soil health monitoring. A better land use planning means more effective climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Environment | Latvia
EMPYRIO cares about the planet by utilizing organic waste in efficient and environmentally friendly way.From first day EMPYRIO is based on DeepTech and scientific problem solving. EMPYRIO has strong focus more than 30 years combined experience in R&D of complex non-standard equipment for organic waste utilization.

EN/IO Environmental Technologies
Food | Turkey
EN/IO is an environmental start-up founded in 2018 by a group of engineers who wanted to prove that people didn’t need synthetic chemical pesticides to grow enough food for everyone – that naturally occurring molecule can be used to protect the crops from pathogens sustainably. In doing so, EN/IO team has designed hardware that generates ozone on-site and manages it precisely to provide a tailor-fitted shield against forecasted pathogen outbreak including fungi and insects through environmental data processing software.
We are installing and servicing integrated and totally-automated crop protection systems (Hi-Maye) to tomato greenhouses for a settled monthly subscription fee, decreasing the burden of making a large-sum initial investment on farmers while amplifying their operational efficiency and providing a long-term partnership with the customer using such a business model. We want to develop the capabilities of Hi-Maye further and establish it as the lone and complete pest management system applicable for a wide range of crops in the open field farms as well, decreasing the chemical footprint to boost sustainable development.
The grand vision is to design high-tech solutions operating on environmental data to tackle the crucial problems threatening the sustainability of the surrounding ecosystem.

EOanalytics Ltd.
Earth Observation | Ireland
EOanalytics is a Dublin-based Earth observation (EO) startup, incorporated in November 2018. We support operational, research and development, educational, and consulting activities. Our primary area of interests are:
- Agricultural and environmental applications, including crop production, area, and yield (PAY) estimation, tillage intensity monitoring, fire fuel monitoring, and land cover land use change detection.
- Geospatial big data management and delivery for spatiotemporal analyses.
- Improved satellite and airborne EO sensors.
- Machine learning and edge processing of EO data for real time mapping and monitoring.
We have experience using multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing data at different scales (satellite, airborne, UAV, and photospectrometry).
Earth Observation | Estonia
I’m Ilya Bolkhovsky, a product manager with a background in satellite oceanography.
In 7.21 Lab I help early-stage startups to validate their ideas around the Earth Observation data and faster achieve Product-Market fit using the Product Thinking approach and the Lean Startup methods.

Earth Observation | Belgium
We have developed a prototype for a software that can detect acid mine drainage (AMD) using open-source Copernicus satellite data. The prototype has already been used in a case study from Sweden, in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology.
The software is currently being improved to serve as a decision support system for large scale mining operations as well as old mine tailings. The earlier detection would prevent severe negative impact on environment and promote safer and more sustainable mining practices.
Our services will optimize on-site monitoring by clearly identifying the areas of highest risk. By detecting AMD earlier and avoiding the negative impact on environment, high costs of remediating contaminated areas can be avoided.
About our team: We are a well-balanced team composed of data scientists and resource management experts. We have a strong connection within the raw material supply chain, and two of us are part of EIT Labelled Masters program which we see as an advantage for our expansion in the sector.
ExoLabs GmbH
Earth Observation | Switzerland
ExoLabs is a spin-off from the University of Zurich founded in January 2017. ExoLabs’ mission is to quantify environmental changes by providing novel and user-friendly Earth Observation services. We use machine learning algorithms in a scalable cloud computing infrastructure to process Earth Observation data on local to global scales. Our uniqueness lies in integral and agile data processing from many sources, in particular in the field of multi-satellite data processing on a global scale to provide near-real time information on environmental variables in a high spatial and temporal resolution. As a value-added services (VAS) provider, we turn Earth observation data into meaningful information clients can trust and act upon. In this particular PARSEC program, we aim to focus on monitoring snow conditions based on combined multi-satellite, meteorological information and other in-situ measurements.

Earth Observation | Romania
We provide a smarter way for farmers to understand the evolution of a field, a traceability service that offers the data so that they can easily verify their practices and their impacts on the fields.
We allow farmers to understand the field history data from an agricultural expert perspective: identify and analyze the vegetation areas; classified in four vegetation ranges, find the top-performing fields, identify and see the evolution of the fertility areas of the fields in order to understand how farmer’s activities impacted the natural fertility.
The added value of our service is that farmers won’t lose money this season with extra work or inputs as they will have up-to-date analytics about the history and the evolution of the field.

Energy | Belgium
10% of solar power is wasted through curtailment every year due to an unprecedented rise in solar installations and pressure on the electric network. This decreases ROI for the end customer, affects installation lifespan/efficiency and reduces clean energy.
But don’t worry, @FlexThorBE is here to end #SolarPowerWastage with a patented #IoT #AI based battery storage solution for smart energy management.
FlexThor has its core business as a smart battery energy storage solution provider for residential and commercial installation. The solution can be utilized for wind systems as well.
We are here at PARSEC to collaborate with companies who are working in EO data, satellite data, weather data, solar/wind production forecast data, satellite imaging of solar panels density over a geographical location, electrical network spread in order to estimate the solar power wastage pockets and optimized planning of FlexThor installation

Food | Tunisia
F4F is developing “Smart Photobioreactors” (IoT technology) to produce microlgae with applications in the food, cosmetics and energy fields.

Food | Czech Republic
Foodgroot is a food hacking company. Scan a food product to find out all its secrets in a simple rating. Food is the most natural means for biohacking – the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside you to energize, harmonize and enhance the body. Thank on Foodgroot’s technology.
Based on up to 70 parameters, Foodgroot provides the most complex and absolutely independent food rating measuring the food products by their origin, nutritional and health impact, sustainability and user experience.
In the second stage, Foodgroot brings full food personalisation model based on human bio profiling that will result in a highly personalised food recommendations while you shop at your preferred online store.

Fora forest technologies, SLL
Environment | Spain
Föra is a forest technology and innovation company from Spain. Founded in 2013, we are a spin-off from the University of Valladolid focused on the assessment of forest resources using remote sensing information. We operate in more than 30 million hectares in 5 european countries. At föra, we believe that the future of forestry lies in innovative solutions, which combine satellite and LiDAR with the intensive use of artificial intelligence. And our main service is ‘förecast’: our forest intelligence solution designed to offer real-time Earth Observation products with the most accurate and updated information.

FuVeX Civil SL
Environment| Spain
Replacing manned helicopters by long range drones in linear infrastructure inspection (power lines, oil&gas pipelines, etc.)

Genport – Spinoff del Politecnico di Milano
Energy | Italy
GENPORT srl is a spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano founded in 2009 with headquarters in Italy at the Vimercate Technology Park (Italy) and its US subsidiary at Commerce (CA).
Our mission is to develop innovative power generation and storage technologies based on combinations of hydrogen fuel cells, lithium battery modules, model predictive controls.
We offer a wide range of high energy density, environmentally friendly, reliable, cost-effective, power solutions that extend runtimes in extreme environment, have the ability to match unscheduled intermittent energy supply.

Earth Observation | Serbia
GILAB is a company dedicated to developing innovative solutions based on ICT and Geoinformatics. Our main product is CropLab – it enables farmers and agronomists access to detailed information about critical indicators that define and/or influence the crop status. This ensures a more cost- efficient input management, resulting in higher yields and wiser land management.
We believe in a future where agriculture can achieve higher yields, greater quality and more sustainable agriculture processes by optimizing its resources usage. Our mission is to ensure that every farmer has the opportunity to maximize his/hers farm potential.

Energy| Belgium
GIM is a Belgian scale-up specialised in Geo-Information. Our 70+ Geoprofessionals are skilled in EO, GeoICT and AI (Computer Vision). One of our products is Belmap, a Geo-Digital Twin of the BeNeLux built-up environment. In Parsec, we would like to extend this product with energy related building parameters.
We are looking at partnering with partners with energy related experience, partners that have similar products for other countries and partners that could make use of our data in their applications.
Environment | Ireland
We create street-level air quality insights using ESA EO data. We are working with the property industry to allow people to make more conscious air quality decisions around where they rent, buy, and, consequently, live their lives.
Contact me for collaborations regarding air quality, EO data, data science, smart cities, battery design, solar design, python.

GORD Systems Services dooel
Food | North Macedonia
GORD Systems Services (for short GORD, SME established in 2006), is an independent developer of innovative solutions based on IoT, Machine learning and Mobile technologies for international markets, with a focus on industry sectors like Agriculture, Food Processing, Manufacturing, and Health.
In 2017 our team developed the first prototypes of the IntelliSTEM smart probe and smart Irrigation controller, as well as our first version of IntelliSTEM Real-time PA/ERP software solution.
All those components build the integrated Decision Support System (IntelliSTEM DSS), designed for an optimal supply of water, fertilizer and pesticides based on the real-time measurement data from the soil and the growing environment acquired by the smart probe and controller, the crop’s profile (data set of plant’s optimal needs during overall lifecycle), and the knowledge database of accumulated Big-data.
IntelliSTEM DSS was designed to support the agriculture producers in their everyday business, including planning, monitoring and overall management of agriculture production.
At the end of 2017, the team developed a crowdfunding campaign and participated in the competition for a 100K Euro grant one of the top 10 solutions
During 2018, the development of the IntelliSTEM solution was supported by the KATANA accelerator project.
Other solutions developed:
*Business Navigator (BN), ERP solution
*Business Navigator ERP RT, a real-time ERP solution, including,
-IntelliSTEM DSS solution for Agrifood sector
-Real-Time quality control and assurance, support for ISO, HASAP, HALAL, and other standards
-Energy Efficiency Monitoring and Control
With our IntelliSTEM and other technology-based solutions, we aim to participate in the 4th Agrifood revolution (digital food production), scale internationally and become a globally recognized developer of innovative solutions based on IoT, Mobile, Machine learning and Blockchain technology.
GORD is managed by a multidisciplinary team with technical and commercial competencies required to successfully execute current and future company activities. With a combined experience of over 80 years in developing ICT solutions for a variety of industries that include Manufacturing, Food Processing, Health, and Agriculture, GORD has the technological knowledge and understanding of the market required to successfully develop innovative solutions based on IoT, Mobile, Machine learning and Blockchain technologies.

Environment | Tunisia
Green Blocks
Environment| Serbia
Satellite Quality of Life Index — a tool that helps people identify the most healthy and attractive locations for life in an urban setting.

Green City Watch
Environment | Netherlands

Green Urban Data
Environment | Spain
We offer services to cities, communities and companies in their adaptation to climate change. Those services include monitor and evaluation of environmental and social indicators that improve decision-making processes, mainly in urban areas. We are experts on heat island effect and green infrastructure evaluation.

greenventory Gmbh
Energy | Germany

HOP Ubiquitous S.L. (HOPU)
Environment | Spain
Urban design for climate change mitigation via environmental and air monitoring
Indre Ruskyte
Environment | Lithuania
Forest monitoring based on vitality of the tree crown in relation with annual radial growth. Effective tools identifying forests ability to withstand the impact of climate change in the future.
INT- Institut za nove tehnologije d.o.o.
Food| Serbia
Environment | Hungary
Our Company primarily collects information of scientific value for environmental protection, urban planning and landscape ecological projects. We also deal with camera system construction for high spatial resolution aerial mapping. In our laboratories we synchronize and calibrate photogrammetric equipments. The cost-effective aerial mapping with more and more surface details is become possible with the using of these innovative equipments, in printing scale from M=1:100 to M=1:12 000. We can provide sub-centimeter spatial resolution multispectral orthophoto maps to our customers by fix-wing aircraft surveys. The increasingly obtainable information-content can be used in many sectors. Beside the change monitoring, finding the illegal landfills and surveying the vegetation, these multispectral ortho image maps are effective to detect the invasive plant species, in inland water mapping, to make precision agriculture maps and, in addition, to a number of scientific research. Now our high spatial resolution multispectral process can be used simultaneously with the hyperspectral imagers.

Food | Serbia
We provide nothing less than the best IoT Solutions!
We are aware that data collection, analysis, machine learning, and AI are the future of mankind and we want to participate in that glorious endeavour.
Development of a smart farming system that performs sensing and controls the conditions required for plant growth based on the Internet of Things technology.

Latitudo40 S.r.l.
Earth Observation| Italy
Latitudo 40 has created the easiest and fastest platform to turn satellite imagery into geospatial information to support everyday decisions. For the first time in one platform all the features to automatically search, process and elaborate the images produced by Earth observation satellites and transform them into information to simplify business processes with powerful artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

Energy | Germany
LiveEO uses artificial intelligence to automatically analyze vast amounts of satellite imagery and extract valuable information about different types of threats endangering large scale infrastructure grids like railway, powerlines, and pipelines.
We combine the extracted insights with a workforce management tool, allowing our customers to streamline their entire maintenance process based on our satellite image analysis.

Mare Incognita
Environment | Greece
Mare Incognita was founded in 2018 by two MSc geologists specialised in research regarding Coastal Management and Coast and River Dynamics. Driven by the immediate risks of climate change and sea level rise, the company focuses on providing direct and timely protection of coasts, the environment and human facilities through coastal erosion forecasting and coastal management.

MobyGIS Srl
Environment | Italy
Environment | France

Environment | Germany
The MVMiles project aims at creating a loyalty/incentive system for sustainable mobility where customers are rewarded with free or discounted tickets when a certain air pollution threshold is forecasted. To do so, on one hand a reliable pollution forecast system should be created, that takes advantage from satellite data, historical weather and pollution data. On the other, the incentive system that triggers free or discounted tickets that can be redeemed only on those days where high pollution is forecasted.

NEO, Netherlands Geomatics and Earth Observation B.V.
Earth Observation | Netherlands
NEO monitors entire regions on spatial changes using EO data.
In The Netherlands we monitor all buildings, roads, water courses, trees, fields, etc. many times per year. Based on the changes we detect, we deliver call-to-actions to end-users. We deliver these value-added services through our SignalEyes API.
Examples are in crop management and control, tax register updates, pipeline monitoring, tree maintenance, etc. We work with you to customize the information you provide to your users and customers.
We are looking for Complementary partners with activities in water (vegetation) management, energy solutions, smart agriculture, smart cities.
Food | Greece
NEUROPUBLIC is an ICT SME (90+ employees) specialized in integrated IS and high-demand applications built in Cloud computing architecture, with a special focus in Agriculture, Smart Farming and CAP. A plethora of services are offered to >725K end-users in the agriculture sector (~80% of all Greek farmers). NP designs and develops a set of innovative and low-cost smart farming (SF) services on input reduction and risk management, based on EO data and Gaiatron IoT telemetric stations, which are designed and built by NP for collecting soil and atmospheric data and for controlling actuators.

Food | Serbia
NSoilab is a biotechnological start-up with an idea to produce eco-friendly microbial-based products intended for application in sustainable and organic agriculture, in order to produce high-quality and healthy food and feed, but also to preserve soil quality.
The main focus of our company is development and production of microbial fertilizers with an advanced formulation based on biopolymers, as well as biopesticides. Our products could be customized according to the certain soil type and crop sort.
Therefore, we are looking for partner(s) who could provide useful data about soil types and quality, crop structure and plant diseases, in order to develop palette of microbial products adjusted for application in targeted areas.
Earth Observation | Romania
In agriculture, field topography influences crop productivity because water moves through the landscape.
Topography is difficult to measure by farmers. Choices are limited and expensive: farmers can use topographic laboratories or intelligent machinery (GPS on tractors).
The only free choice is SRTM maps which have low resolution and precision. In order for the data to be relevant an accuracy of 1m is necessary.
Using off-the-shelf components we want to build a device that make use a GPS sensor connected to the GALILEO system and a barometric altimeter to drastically improve the elevation precision. We will attach the device to harvesters since they are moving slowly allowing the recording of a more dense data points map.
We want to combine this acquired data with satellite imagery to give farmers a complete picture of the field.

Earth Observation | Israel
OKO leverages Earth-Observation data to create revolutionary insurance products for farmers in emerging countries.
OKO currently provides droughts and flood insurance to maize farmers in Mali, which is available from any mobile device (even without internet connection).
Next, OKO wants to develop covers against more risks (pest outbreaks, disease outbreaks) or more generally against yield reduction using vegetation indexes.

Environment | Greece
In OpenHouse we help people find the home of their dreams. Anyone can find properties to rent or to buy based on their personal needs. With PARSEC we will offer our customers the ability to be informed about the environmental conditions in the neighborhood they want to move in, such as the air pollution levels, green indices, etc.

Orbital EOS S.L.
Earth Observation | Spain
Orbital EOS develops solutions for challenges in the maritime domain using EO+AI. The company currently commercializes a SaaS for the detection and characterization of oil slicks at Sea.
Environment | Spain
POINT is a solution for companies to find their right location in space. In doing so, they avoid failure and the waste of energy, time and money. And for the environment, we tend to diminish impact on it by restricting the occupation of land that has environmental values.
EO data is used to give a more accurate picture of land use dynamics to improve companies locational-decision process.
Open and green areas, low-carbon zones, non-floodable sites, water bodies, air quality, forest cover and so forth can offer a variety of new qualities to select the right place for a company, its logistic structrure or even for public ammenities.
Environment | Belgium
Recycllux is using satellite Earth Observation data and applies MachineLearning algorithms to identify the marine plastice waste spots, where actions need to be taken. Then, using blockchain we incentivize and enable end-to-end crow-powered recycling.

Researchturk Space
Earth Observation | Turkey
The future is becoming so complex. The World is constantly changing and its complexity increases in all dimensions. The changes create unpredictable impacts and implications (such as covid19 pandemic hazard) at local, regional and global scales. Because of complexities, the communities seek new synergies through harmonizing and integrating many data sources for better management of our planet and its environment. How we will use the data in the future will be more crucial than it was.
The areas of complexities are the real sources of information. The main idea is turning the disadvantage of “too much information and complexity” into “valuable information and simplicity” in an equally shared platform based on Earth Observation Systems. This provides new opportunities to better understand complex structures of urban environments and its life dynamics. Our result acting methodology will help to understand the city metaphor through various components that can be observed through real-time visualizations.
Researchturk Space Co. is a new Space and Earth Observation R&D Innovation company. We have a wide experience on Space related projects and Geospatial applications (such as landuse/landcover and urbanization, spatial planning, cultural inventory, mineral exploration, disaster management, data analysis, mapping and digital platforms etc.). We develop our own unique problem solving and result acting decision systems based on space for society and business sectors.
Our approach is cross border/sectoral innovative contribution for developing markets. It aims a specific emphasis on improving the quality of life in urban areas/metropolitan cities.
Firstly, we want to design complexity monitoring systems and solution generating EO based platform. Secondly we want to develop applications and analytics tools that people can facilitate it at their simple needs requirements in daily, in weekly, or in monthly life actions. And finally, we will define complexity types/systems by identifying and mapping of digital “DNA” codes of EO data.
In the environment where complexity are solved, People can manage their time better, performance of their business could be increased, processes could be completed quickly and easily, environmental damage would be reduced, quality of lifestyle would be better. Our proposed initiative will provide numerous advantages to a wide range of end-users that requires timely, accurate, scalable, and updated information.
Our vision will provide sustainable urbanization for the future generations and the availability of EO solutions to everyone at the click of mouse. As a result, people / institutions and companies activate their resources in the right direction.

Revalue It
Food | Cyprus
Revalue It brings transparency and safety to the food supply chain.
We can trace and verify food products from seed to table.
We value the work of the farmers producing food sustainably by accurately measuring their farms carbon sequestration, so they can benefit from carbon credit schemes.
We guarantee food safety, purity, quality and environmental impact of products by independent analysis and checks.
We train farmers in regenerative agriculture and best practices from seed to table.
Our traceability system is based on a blockchain network which is a non-corruptible database.
The Producers can trace, locate and recall any of their product in real time.
The Consumers can access all the data just by flashing the product’s individual QR code.

Riscognition GmbH
Earth Observation | Germany
Data Driven Risk Intelligence - Delivering essential Earth Observation based information to supply chain customers to improve business sustainability with respect to natural hazards and improve customer transparency related to environmental impacts of sourcing materials.

Earth Observation | Luxembourg

Sabrina Szeto Consulting
Food | Germany
I am a geospatial consultant based near Munich, Germany. I work with businesses and organisations to use geospatial data to fulfill their missions. With a background in forestry and anthropology, I am working to bring EO data to the edible wild mushroom industry.

Environment | Croatia

Silex Clouds SRL
Earth Observation | Italy

SmartCloudFarming GmbH
Environment | Germany
We use remote sensing to monitor soil and map it in 3D. Our 3D maps provide information about soil moisture, soil nutrients, and soil organic carbon and can be integrated into smart farm machinery using our API.
Thanks to our solution, 70% fewer soil sensors would be required than current state-of-the-art methods. Being satellite data-driven, the monitoring is remote and human intervention-free.
This would save farmers time, resources, and money, prolong equipment lifetime, while reducing farm emissions.

Sobolt B.V.
Environment | Netherlands
Sobolt employs state-of-the-art deep learning techniques to extract value from drone imagery, multispectral data from space, LiDAR point clouds, and thermal infrared images. We incorporate data-driven insights in software applications to help solve sustainability issues for governments and large companies. We have quickly grown to a company of 20 employees and are ready to implement our solutions and perhaps a new one 🙂 in other countries.
Earth Observation | Belgium
Analysis of VIIRS, Optical and SAR imagery to combat illegal fishing.
Food | Estonia
Earth Observation | Netherlands
Space4Good maps and tracks social and environmental impact with the help of remote sensing, GIS and artificial intelligence. We develop applications which quantify sustainable activities in forestry, agriculture, urban developments as well as peace and justice in order to help improve operational efficiency and transparency.
We are working with and for social enterprises, NGOs and public authorities all around the world which we support with a diverse team of remote sensing specialists, GIS experts, data scientists, software developers and context matter experts.
We are interested in complementary partnerships with drone manufacturers, operators, weather data specialists and IoT data providers.
Space Garden
Environment | Serbia

Earth Observation | France
We provide tools to create advanced detections models using Earth Observation in Agriculure and Environment. We make the data easily accessible to an environment production, in order to minimize the time and expertise needed to benefit from satellite insights

Space SUR
Earth Observation | Spain
We are a company specialized in software engineering and solutions applied to the entire aerospace cycle, from the development of satellites and complex systems, to the implementation of geospatial solutions with high added value for different industries.

Specto Natura Ltd.
Earth Observation | United Kingdom

Environment | Spain
Cloud-based analytics platform for spatial & satellite data that allow users to combine data from different sources and obtain insights using AI.
Stratolloon is a tool that sllows both familiarized and non-familiarized companies with GIS, to obtain insights that can help in their decision-making processes by using satellite data & other spatial data sources.

Sunly OÜ
Energy | Estonia
Sunly, a renewable energy company, is active in the Baltics and surrounding markets. Sunly is developing renewable energy projects and manages a renewable energy and electrification portfolio of start-ups.
Sunly was established by 4Energia team after 4Energia shares were sold to Enefit Green AS. At the moment of acquisition 4Energia was the biggest wind energy company in the Baltics. Sunly has local teams in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Sunly is looking for potential partners to develop further our ReFinder map application, which helps to locate best suitable land plots for renewable energy development. We look to expand the list of features and territorial coverage.

Sylvan Resources Ltd
Environment | United Kingdom

Termodron d.o.o.
Food | Slovenia

Earth Observation | France

Terroir from Space
Food | Italy
As a space engineer passionate about wine, I'm working on 'Terroir from Space', a service aimed at detecting and classifying new 'terroirs' based on their potential for high quality wine production.
This project will be composed of 3 main steps:
Data gathering for existing and well known terroirs. Several kinds of data will be needed:
- Terroir physical data
- Exploitation data
- Commercial data
(Additional relevant parameters could be identified during this phase)
Using AI techniques in order to implement models describing correlations between gathered data
Developing the final product in form of a web application using trained models for inference.
The final product could have several practical applications:
detecting new and unexploited lands for vine growing, aimed for new investments
helping current producers to make the right exploitation choices on short term (harvest date optimization...) as well as on mid term (guidance for best cultivation techniques of vineyards until the achievement of maximum plants productivity, on average after 4-5 years from the planting date) following and predicting the evolution for existing terroirs, based on weather forecast and measuring climate change impact (for insurance purposes for example)
The former service could be an area of cooperation with other start-ups.
Don't hesitate to contact me to discuss about it!
TFE Energy GmbH
Energy | Germany
The Code Company
Environment | Sweden

Trace Labs (Prospeh d.o.o.)
Food | Slovenia
Founded in 2013, Trace Labs has built award-winning enterprise solutions for supply chains, ranging from traceability to verifiable claims. We believe sustainable supply chains are only possible by allowing all organizations, big or small, to benefit from trusted data exchanges. We have established thought leadership in several global organizations and pioneered blockchain use in inter-organizational data exchanges (including Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center, GS1 & BSI). Trace Labs is the core development company of the open-source OriginTrail protocol for trusted data exchange.
Within the PARSEC Accelerator programme, we are kick-starting a creation of Verifiable Sustainability Scheme by launching an integrity-ensuring marketplace where food producers will be able to connect their dynamic supply chain data to the relevant Earth Observation datasets and purchase carbon footprint models from domain experts and researches.

Energy | Denmark
Evaluating long term projects such as wind turbines or photovoltaics is an extremely complicated affair. The project will be in place for 20-25 years, and you need to have a good forecast of the entire lifetime. All this has to be considered when screening for location, when forecasting electricity prices or production. Each of these results will also vary depending on the scenario you are looking at. How do you believe the future electricity system will be? How has the weather been and how will the weather be?
Combining operations research models with large satellite derived datasets going as far back as 1979 to give an unprecedented prediction of the future for electricity prices. This method offers far more detail than what is the current market standard, while allowing for estimates of uncertainties and evaluating risks.
We will provide forecasts on electricity prices, production and other services such as; screening maps and easy to handle data. If an actor is investigating which wind turbine seems more promising in a location it will be possible to make a quick assessment from large selection. He can now focus his efforts on the most promising cases and get the data he needs for it. Studies done by PWC indicate that using satellite derived data sets such as the one we use, can decrease uncertainties in wind projects and provide a benefit between 1-3 million euros per 100 mw capacity.
The vision is to create a unified one-stop shop for the energy sector to acquire renewable energy data products and electricity price forecasts far into the future in an easy, precise and transparent way.

Earth Observation | Norway
Vake applies intelligence to satellite imagery in order to analyze vessel traffic at sea and paying particular attention to those ships that are not voluntarily sharing information on their location. Starting with a global analysis of IUU fishing activity, Vake is creating a demonstrator for the technology that can be applied to other industries as well.

Energy | France

World from Space
Earth Observation | Czechia
We provide an easy to use and cheap API with ready EO-based products for agriculture and forestry.
Don't waste your time and money by building your own EO infrastructure, get in touch with us.
We are interested in cooperation with companies with agricultural/forestry software, active users and problems potentially solvable by AI/machine learning.