Alternative Energy

IoT in Smart Cities


Cities all over the world are entering a new era. The concept of smart cities that encourages the digital transformation of many city sectors, has been gaining popularity globally. A smart city is defined as a city which merges traditional infrastructure with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in order to promote innovation and provide useful [...]

IoT in Smart Cities2021-03-04T12:09:03+02:00

Smart Solar Energy planning and real-time management


In 14 and a half seconds, the sun provides as much energy to Earth as its population uses in a day. Capturing all this energy is feasible and depends only on decision making. Nowadays, there is an increase of the share of renewable energy sources  in the total energy production and consumption mix (currently 22%, [...]

Smart Solar Energy planning and real-time management2021-02-02T11:53:37+02:00

Waste valorisation technologies


Closing the loop of product lifecycles through greater recycling and re-use or resources can bring benefits for both the environment and the economy. It is the case, for example of recycled nutrients from organic waste or by-products (bio-based materials such as food waste, used water and animal by-products such as manure) that can be returned [...]

Waste valorisation technologies2021-01-28T17:49:20+02:00

Less-polluting vehicles


It is the case of gas to liquids, for example, switching to alternative fuels. Electric and LPG offer separate fuel systems, but there are other options offering the potential to clean up the existing diesel. One example is the new synthetic gas to liquid (GTL) fuel developed by Shell, derived from natural gas. The use [...]

Less-polluting vehicles2021-01-28T17:44:26+02:00