Working with big data is challenging, especially for start-ups and SMEs. Easy access, processing, analysis and storage of the data is crucial in order to make the most out of it. PARSEC introduces the Big Data toolbox – a multi-petabyte PARSEC datacube platform – to help SMEs address this challenge.

Harnessing the power of Big Earth Observation (EO) data requires efficient handling of the volume, velocity, variety, and veracity of multimodal EO data, such as the data provided by the Copernicus Sentinels. SMEs entering the EO market require expensive experts top-skilled in IT and remote sensing alike, which distracts precious resources from the core business. These barriers make it difficult for SMEs to gain ground in the market.

This is where PARSEC comes to help. To support our beneficiaries in addressing these challenges we are providing a massively scalable EO datacube service – the Big Data toolbox.

Datacube © rasdaman GmbH

PARSEC’s unique Big Data toolbox at its heart is powered by rasdaman, the European pioneer and world leading datacube analytics engine. With rasdaman’s federation capabilities, several of the Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) as well as a series of other specialized data centres get integrated into one common information space available to all SMEs supported by PARSEC. Currently, SMEs can access over 7 petabytes of Sentinel datacubes on Mundi (one of the five DIAS platforms) alone, and they grow by the day.

A new era in data accessibility is dawning with spatio-temporal datacubes: orthoimagery, thematic and elevation data, weather and ocean data, and timeseries over them. They all become easily accessible when served analysis ready, thanks to open standards-based APIs for ingestion, access, and analysis. The multi-parallel rasdaman engine supports a paradigm of “what you get is what you need” in real time on any query, at all times, and for data of any size. Both data and algorithms are protected by individually configurable security.

The PARSEC team including the rasdaman team will provide continuous support to the PARSEC beneficiaries accelerating their innovative EO products in a short time.

For more technical details, please visit the website of the Big Data Toolbox. The PARSEC Big Data Toolbox is provided by PARSEC partners rasdaman GmbH and Geomatrix.

You just read an article about the Big Data Toolbox, one of the three PARSEC Business Catalysts. PARSEC is offering these three services as a support to all winners of  the Open Call 1 (#100PARSEC) and the Open Call 2 (#15PARSEC).