
In situ: Earth Observation is not only Space


In the language of Earth Observation (EO), “in situ data” is the common denomination of data deriving from ground-based, sea-borne or air-borne monitoring systems, as well as geospatial reference or ancillary data. In situ sensors can be carried by, among others, air balloons, ground stations, or ferry boxes. In situ serves validation and calibration of [...]

In situ: Earth Observation is not only Space2021-01-28T16:55:13+02:00

Drones and HAPS bringing new opportunities closer to the Earth


Drones are increasingly used as a source of information that complements data provided by satellite-based remote sensing (e.g. Copernicus Sentinels) and eventually in-situ data sensors. These Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) enable more flexibility, increased accuracy or specific actions or analyses (e.g. hyperspectral imaging) and their rapidly growing global commercial market size in 2018 had already [...]

Drones and HAPS bringing new opportunities closer to the Earth2021-01-28T17:29:15+02:00

How new satellite technologies are creating market opportunities


The Earth Observation (EO) industry as a whole is in the midst of a revolution, spurred by deregulation, smaller and cheaper electronics, innovation in launcher and sensor technologies, and advancements in Cloud Computing and data processing. The phenomenon is dubbed “NewSpace”, and it covers the whole value chain, from satellite manufacturers and operators to data [...]

How new satellite technologies are creating market opportunities2021-01-28T17:25:45+02:00

High Performance Computing for Earth Observation


The enormous increase of Earth Observation data over the past few years is bringing tremendous business opportunities for start-ups and SMEs but also calls for a fundamental paradigm shift. Thus, making the most of Big EO data, requires disrupting the traditional workflows whereby downloaded datasets are processed locally. Instead, through a multitude of web-based platforms, [...]

High Performance Computing for Earth Observation2021-01-28T17:24:15+02:00

The rise of the EO Platform Ecosystem


Since the advent of the Copernicus Sentinels era and the rise of new, venture-backed business models relying on large fleets of small satellites, more and more data is becoming available. To unlock the insights provided by this unprecedented volume of diverse data, users need robust access, powerful computation and innovative processing methods. This need can [...]

The rise of the EO Platform Ecosystem2021-01-28T17:23:32+02:00

Big Data, big opportunities, big challenges


“Faster, Higher, Stronger” is not only an inspirational call to start-ups and young entrepreneurs to develop and launch EO-based services in the market. It is also the reality experienced today at the interface of Earth Observation with Big Data: Higher – the volume of Earth Observation data has grown almost exponentially in the past few [...]

Big Data, big opportunities, big challenges2021-01-28T17:22:39+02:00

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity


Pumped hydroelectric energy storage is a type of hydroelectric energy storage used by electric power systems for load balancing. The energy is stored in the form of gravitational potential energy of water, pumped from a lower elevation reservoir to a higher elevation. During periods of high demand of electricity, the stored water is released through [...]

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity2021-01-28T17:21:54+02:00

Smart turbine technologies


Current trends move to smarter turbines and plants. Smarter turbines are able to sense and optimize energy capture while knowing the state of the turbine’s health. For instance, the wind farm model developed by GE pairs 2-MW wind turbines with a digital twin modelling system that can assemble up to 20 turbine configurations at every [...]

Smart turbine technologies2021-01-28T17:01:46+02:00

Wind turbine manufacturing technologies


Wind energy production through wind turbine functioning is being boosted by the manufacture of longer blades and taller towers. Turbines are evolving to more powerful, efficient, durable and cost-effective components. Research in important innovations will allow easier and cheaper turbine manufacturing, intelligent turbines will be created capable of collecting and interpreting real-time data, and wind [...]

Wind turbine manufacturing technologies2021-01-28T17:00:48+02:00

Solar Water Heating Systems


Solar Water Heating Systems (SWHS) are the most widely used type of Solar Heating and Cooling Systems. These systems pass cold water through a pipe that goes into a heat exchanger. From the exchanger, solar collectors carry heat transfer fluid, which is heated from the incoming infrared radiation from the sun. Then, it is the [...]

Solar Water Heating Systems2021-01-28T16:59:56+02:00