Space technology in support of sustainable development


In the last 50 years global population has doubled, and the global GDP has grown fourfold. In parallel, various environmental problems like water scarcity, climate change and depletion of critical natural resources have been growing at a high rate in part due to the impact of energy intensive industries. During this period, the annual global [...]

Space technology in support of sustainable development2021-04-15T14:04:37+03:00

Earth Observation strategies for Arctic Shipping


Shrinking of the polar ice cap allows for a longer and safer navigation season in polar waters. Since the 1970s, the Earth Observation (EO) satellites provide daily pan-Arctic surveys of the sea ice [1]. The image painted by the data leaves no doubt: the Arctic ice cap is shrinking and shrinking fast. September’s 2020 sea [...]

Earth Observation strategies for Arctic Shipping2021-03-25T16:56:45+02:00

PARSEC pushes HighSpeed Datacubes on Mundi DIAS


With support of PARSEC, Mundi now follows the trend towards actionable datacubes offering analytics, visualization, and fusion service in the Mundi marketplace, linked into the EarthServer federation. Mundi is one of the European DIAS services tasked with providing Sentinel satellite data. The Mundi Marketplace comprises a one-stop shop for Earth Observation services on top of [...]

PARSEC pushes HighSpeed Datacubes on Mundi DIAS2021-02-25T17:29:50+02:00

A new value chain with Parametric insurance


Insurance is a millennial practice for transferring or distributing risk, to protect from financial loss. As an Earth Observation (EO) market, Insurance is traditionally a small one, but an emerging approach called parametric insurance recently opens new opportunities for EO service providers. If traditional insurance products indemnify for an actual loss sustained, parametric insurance contracts offer a means [...]

A new value chain with Parametric insurance2021-02-18T11:12:08+02:00

Robotics for agriculture


Information technologies, telecommunication, robotics and in general, autonomous systems are set to transform many global industries. All these technologies currently have, and will have in the future, the greatest impact on large sectors of the economy. One such sector is undeniably the agricultural and food (agri-food) sector which is a dominant and vital component in [...]

Robotics for agriculture2021-02-11T16:26:58+02:00

Smart Solar Energy planning and real-time management


In 14 and a half seconds, the sun provides as much energy to Earth as its population uses in a day. Capturing all this energy is feasible and depends only on decision making. Nowadays, there is an increase of the share of renewable energy sources  in the total energy production and consumption mix (currently 22%, [...]

Smart Solar Energy planning and real-time management2021-02-02T11:53:37+02:00

Foreseeing Wildfires with data


Wildfires are a menace that gained much of public attention during recent years' summer seasons. Images of swaths of Australian bush ablaze in January and February 2020 caught public attention as brave firefighters were carrying koala bears from the inferno. The Australian fires were followed by an exceptionally disastrous fire-season in the Western United States. [...]

Foreseeing Wildfires with data2021-01-26T16:13:55+02:00

InSAR Applications – Why industry is learning to “love” radar


When Golden Earring famously sang the lyric “We’ve got a light in the sky, radar love”  all the way back in 1973, little did they know just how much those “lights” (or radars) in the sky would add to our world years later. Just like in the song “Radar Love”, industry is continually learning to [...]

InSAR Applications – Why industry is learning to “love” radar2021-01-28T17:50:37+02:00